Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Masters in Social Media is no longer a dream

Social media is a very new development on our campus, but in places like Birmingham has already been a full on masters program for almost two years now. The article is posted in a link at the bottom if you would like to check it out. The fact that social media is such a "fad" is an argument that is getting smaller and smaller by the day. Everyone in the business industry is finally starting to realise that this little internet thingy needs some atttention or else your company is going to miss out on a BIGGGG chunk of practically free advertising and marketing. But still, people are skeptical.
"Many educators and students alike have voiced their skepticism in such a degree as social media, stating that the premise for the program is not credible and is just as easily self-taught; its content does not justify a 48-week course and a tuition total of $6,200. However, many others defending the program claim that with the current, monumental changes happening to media, those with public relations, journalism, or electronic media degrees must, as a necessity, keep themselves apprised of the information evolution."

The paragraph above taken from the article makes a good point. Social media is something you very well can learn on your own. You are essentially paying $6,000 for a piece of paper that says you have completed a masters program. Still, it IS something that many fields needs to be well educated in like it also states above. To have a competative advantage, they need to be familiar with social media.
Not only is the masters program in social media smart considering the direction technology is moving, it is also very smart of the schools to get onboard with it. They recognize that social media is not a fad and they can make some extra money in tuition to by joining in on the social media craze.


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